Thursday, November 13, 2008

Up to £13m for Dealing with Misbehaved Young People

Bournemouth expects to receive part of £13m from the government in January 2009 to tackle the problem of anti-social behaviour.
The projects will be set up in 20 areas across the country between 2008/9 - 2010/11 targeting to change anti-social behaviour in communities. In total by the end of this period up to 3000 young people are expected to benefit from this plan.
The forthcoming Youth Taskforce Action Plan will intervene at an early stage to stop young people getting into a situation where their bad behaviour can spiral out of control and the enforcement has to be used. But where enforcement is necessary it will be used and that will be made clear from the outset if young people don't co-operate. 
According to the Children and Young People’s Minister, Beverley Hughes these projects will help the parents who often don’t know where to go or who to turn to next to help them tackle the problem behaviour of their child.
Jayne Robertson, Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator for Bournemouth said the Bournemouth Council is expecting to get the share of £13m in January after what the Board will decide on the committee how and where to direct this money to deal with the problem most effectively. She added: "I think it shows people that we are listening to their concerns about anti-social behaviour and we are responding to what they want."